Yarrow/Achilles tincture 60ml


Achilles has the ability to "drop" the pressure and for this reason, the herb is recommended in cases of hypertension. The coumarins and salicylic acid (component of aspirin) contained in Achilles prevent the formation of blood clots and promote overall good circulation by dilating the peripheral arteries. Finally, Achilles is an effective healer. Its name and fame have come from this quality - according to Mythology the herb was given to Achilles by the Hand Centaur. Achilles used it to heal the wounds of his warriors in the Trojan War. The use of Achilles (internally) helps to fight hemorrhoidal bleeding, menorrhagia and in general all internal bleeding. The antiseptic properties of the herb are also important in cases of bleeding. It is healing and anti-inflammatory


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Availability: 100 In Stock

Achilles has the ability to "drop" the pressure and for this reason, the herb is recommended in cases of hypertension. The coumarins and salicylic acid (component of aspirin) contained in Achilles prevent the formation of blood clots and promote overall good circulation by dilating the peripheral arteries. Finally, Achilles is an effective healer. Its name and fame have come from this quality - according to Mythology the herb was given to Achilles by the Hand Centaur. Achilles used it to heal the wounds of his warriors in the Trojan War. The use of Achilles (internally) helps to fight hemorrhoidal bleeding, menorrhagia and in general all internal bleeding. The antiseptic properties of the herb are also important in cases of bleeding. It is healing and anti-inflammatory

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