Tribulus tincture 60ml


tribulus is the herb that improves our sex life and provides a solution to very serious problems related to the sexual health of men and women. It is one of the best natural aphrodisiacs you have used for this reason for centuries. It is also important that it is used as an aid to increase muscle mass and strengthen muscles. Increases libido in men and in women stimulates sexual mood, improves reproductive function and ovulation, helps in cases of premenstrual syndrome, in the regulation of hormones in the menopausal period


100% MONEY


Availability: 91 In Stock

tribulus is the herb that improves our sex life and provides a solution to very serious problems related to the sexual health of men and women. It is one of the best natural aphrodisiacs you have used for this reason for centuries. It is also important that it is used as an aid to increase muscle mass and strengthen muscles. Increases libido in men and in women stimulates sexual mood, improves reproductive function and ovulation, helps in cases of premenstrual syndrome, in the regulation of hormones in the menopausal period

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