Shea butter 100ml


Shea butter contains large amounts of unsaturated fatty acids, such as oleic acid (omega-9) and linoleic acid (omega-6). It also does not lack saturated fats (stearic and palmitic acid), to which it owes its solid texture at room temperature. It is also rich in phytosterols, catechins, lupoleol and vitamins A, D, E and F which have excellent antioxidant and anti-aging action. Its most exotic ingredients include terpene alcohols that act as anti-inflammatory, as well as cinnamic acid that slightly absorbs ultraviolet radiation. Its medical applications have also been found in anti-inflammatory treatment for arthritis, topical treatment for eczema, herpes and other skin conditions, and even in lowering cholesterol. The natives use it for hot massages in rheumatic and muscular pains, sprains and dislocations.

Its uses in beauty

As it is considered suitable for the care of all skin types and hair, we often find it in:

  • Nourishing creams for very dry skin of the body, hands and feet or for cracks and fissures created in winter or summer.
  • Moisturising body creams that maintain the summer tan.
  • Creams that are applied preventively for pregnancy stretch marks while maintaining the elasticity of the skin.
  • Anti-wrinkle, moisturising night creams for the face with a rich, oily texture.
  • Anti-allergic creams for baby skin care.
  • Products for the protection and shine of the lips, often together with cocoa butter.
  • Nourishing hair masks to restore their shine and elasticity when they are dry, damaged or after a sea bath and pool (shea butter nourishes the keratin).

Shea butter can be used in one of the above uses on its own, simply by melting a small piece of it in the palm of your hand. The solid butter becomes liquid at about 36 degrees Celsius.


100% MONEY


Availability: 49 In Stock

Shea butter contains large amounts of unsaturated fatty acids, such as oleic acid (omega-9) and linoleic acid (omega-6). It also does not lack saturated fats (stearic and palmitic acid), to which it owes its solid texture at room temperature. It is also rich in phytosterols, catechins, lupoleol and vitamins A, D, E and F which have excellent antioxidant and anti-aging action. Its most exotic ingredients include terpene alcohols that act as anti-inflammatory, as well as cinnamic acid that slightly absorbs ultraviolet radiation. Its medical applications have also been found in anti-inflammatory treatment for arthritis, topical treatment for eczema, herpes and other skin conditions, and even in lowering cholesterol. The natives use it for hot massages in rheumatic and muscular pains, sprains and dislocations.

Its uses in beauty

As it is considered suitable for the care of all skin types and hair, we often find it in:

  • Nourishing creams for very dry skin of the body, hands and feet or for cracks and fissures created in winter or summer.
  • Moisturising body creams that maintain the summer tan.
  • Creams that are applied preventively for pregnancy stretch marks while maintaining the elasticity of the skin.
  • Anti-wrinkle, moisturising night creams for the face with a rich, oily texture.
  • Anti-allergic creams for baby skin care.
  • Products for the protection and shine of the lips, often together with cocoa butter.
  • Nourishing hair masks to restore their shine and elasticity when they are dry, damaged or after a sea bath and pool (shea butter nourishes the keratin).

Shea butter can be used in one of the above uses on its own, simply by melting a small piece of it in the palm of your hand. The solid butter becomes liquid at about 36 degrees Celsius.

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